I'm glad you're here...here's an important message for you...

If you're interested in truly getting your book done sooner than later, then I encourage you to read this information about an exciting new offering from my friend and colleague Donna Kozik.

                Finally, you can gain more prestige,
                  become known as an expert—and
                            charge higher fees...

all in a matter of a few hours over the weekend!

Watch as you instantly become an expert in your field, differentiate yourself from the competition, fill your sales funnel with leads and cram your appointment book with loads of clients who are glad to pay you what you’re worth!

Now, in one "virtual" online weekend, you can create the one item that can lead you to:

   -->     Get more of the highly coveted clients you desire

   -->      Charge higher fees—even as much as quadrupling your
              current asking price

   -->      Establish your expertise overnight—expertise that you don’t
              have to explain because no one will question you

   -->      Speak volumes about your professional knowledge and
              credibility—24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

If that interests you, read on…

There’s a way to achieve those items and much more—including a feeling of self-satisfaction in doing something so many just dream of doing: publishing a book.

In fact, you probably realize that having your book has become as necessary as having a website or a business card—in fact, your book is your business card.

A book has become a proven way to attract more engagements, generate back-of-room sales and provide a starting point for other info products.

Yet if you’ve tried to write you book, you know there can be some challenges in getting started—or getting finished…

It’s hard and time-consuming work to write a book.

You’ve probably heard the statistic that four out of five of us want to write a book. The fact is, few of us realize that dream. Let’s face it, writing a book is hard work. It doesn’t take just a little bit of time—it can take a lot of time. With so many things pulling at our attention, it’s hard to find the hours needed to sit down and write.

Perhaps you’ve even scheduled some “book writing time” in your appointment book and held true to a couple of them, but then found things going by the wayside as other items to take priority.

Or maybe things stalled as you realized that writing a book was a much bigger project than you originally thought, and you became frustrated by the process.

Don’t feel bad—I started and stopped my second book several times before finally getting it done. It can be a frustrating process, especially when you’re trying to do it on your own with sheer willpower.

You don't know how to select a "winning topic"

Say you do have the time and the energy to write a book, how do you know what to write about? Whether you’ve been working in your field for awhile or are just getting started, you probably have a fairly large “knowledge base.” How do you pick one of your own “hot topics” and then narrow or expand the subject matter for a book? 

Next, how do you make sure your book is one people will want to read? Just like you wouldn’t stand up and start speaking about anything, your book has to have purpose and focus so it connects to your audience. You’ll agree that you don’t want to waste your time putting a book together that’s not going to speak well of you when you’re done, right?

Where do you even begin in organizing your thoughts for “book format?”

Sure, you’ve put together your fair share of ezine articles and blog posts, and have thought about compiling them into a book—but what comes next? And what else do you have to worry about so your book and its content can stand proudly on the shelf next to other books that are at Borders and Barnes and Noble?

Most of all, where do you go to get it published? You’re a business owner, afterall, and don’t want to put the time and effort into learning a whole new skill like publishing. There are hundreds of places online claiming they can print and publish your book, but how do you know who to trust?

You really don’t consider yourself a writer.

Or, maybe you’re one who doesn’t put together ezine articles or blog posts. Maybe you do most of your work face to face or on the phone and don’t have a “back end” of articles and other written material. How can you write a book when you don’t have “word one” done? I’m here to tell you that you definitely can—and I show you how.

You’ve heard that it costs 100s, if not 1000s, of dollars to get a book “done right”

Writing the book is one thing, but what about getting it published? You may have been hearing the debate about being self-published versus pursuing a traditional publisher. And then if you do self-publish there are thousands of companies to consider--how do you know which is the right one?

I understand--anybody would find all these challenges overwhelming. (I know I did when I published my first book several years ago--years before all these options sprung up all over the place!) I also understand that you're not in the "publishing" business--you have your own area of expertise and little time to figure out the best way to get your book published.

Even though everyone can have an opinion, the answers to your publishing questions will become crystal clear once you know the pros and cons of each method, and even several scenarios where you can have the best of both worlds!

In fact, now there's a fast and easy way to get published and create the ultimate positioning tool to use as a lead generator, expertise builder and have clients pursing you—not the other way around! I can show you how to create a book that will generate attention, interest and turn on the tap to a huge gush of leads. And I give you everything you need to do it in one short weekend!

    Introducing the fast and easy way to get published:

             My Instant Book Generator

                          (Plus a weekend I've personally set aside to
                          walk you step-by-step through the process!)

From the desk of
Donna Kozik
8:55 a.m. Tuesday
San Diego, California  

Before I tell you more, I want you to think for a few minutes about what becoming a published author and having your own book—one with your name and picture on the cover—can do for you…

A book exponentially increases your credibility, making it super easy to sell
ANY product or service you promote—or promote on behalf of others. Think about it. What if you snagged one more client this year for quadruple your normal fee. You can do it easily enough—by having a book that sets the stage with your prospects and speaks for you when you’re not even in the room.

Here’s a “hot list” of other reasons to have a book…followed by how you can get started on yours today.

Once you’ve published your book, imagine how you can...
+      Command
greater fees, charge higher prices, and lower price
         resistance among your clients and prospects

+      Change the lives
of your readers: prospects, clients, and
         others in your industry, field or product category

+      Establish yourself as an
expert in your field among
         prospects and “centers of influence,” so you attract significantly
         more and better-qualified clients who are willing and able to buy
         from you.

+      Build a
loyal base of “fans” who will seek you out to hire and
         buy from you, PLUS rave about you to others. (It’s like having
         your own groupies!)

+      Attract
media interviews, potential high-level partners,
         endorsement requests and more
speaking gigs. 

+      Get and maintain “top-of-mind awareness” with your
         clients and prospects. When the time comes and they need or
         want your products or services, they will automatically turn
         to the expert in the field—YOU!

+      Package your knowledge in one place where you can pull
tips and articles to generate additional exposure to your
         business and traffic to your website.

      Boost your sales efforts by demonstrating to current
what you really know about your subject of
         expertise and what you can really do for them.

+      Spread the word
about your business via “word-of-mouth”
         marketing. (Your book can be the match you need to spread
         your message like wildfire!)

+      Create new revenue streams
for you by using it as a
         springboard for additional information products, such as CDs and

             There’s an easier way to write your book—
if the last thing you wrote was
                           a high school term paper!

Perhaps you’ve heard of my fast and easy book writing system, “My Book Writing Blueprint.” Or you’ve thought about attending one of my Write-a-Book-in-a-Weekend “bookcamps.”

Both items can show you how to get your book done fast and easy—yet I still sense some doubt from others about whether or not it could really be done—could I really show you how to write a book in a weekend?

I gave it some thought and realized that indeed I could! What it would take is a proven system, easy-to-understand instructions and time dedicated to getting it done. It got me thinking about another way you could become a published author in one short weekend—and make it easy in several ways. 

               Introducing "My Instant Book Generator," plus a
              Weekend Where I’ll Work with You Side-by-Side to

                                       Get Your Book Done
             UNTIL NOW there was no easy system to create a
             powerful book that inspires and impacts your clients &
             prospects to take action in their own life—and
             take action with you.

             UNTIL NOW
there was no fill-in-the-blank template
             business owners could use to get a book done in as
             little as a few hours and more experienced writers use
             as a place to format all their pre-written pieces.

             UNTIL NOW
there was no way to present messages
             you’ve already honed and perfected into a “done for
             you” book format where you could have your book
             written in a short weekend and have it in your hands
             days later.

          And, most importantly . . .

             UNTIL NOW
, there was no one at the helm offering
             expert insight and an environment of support to show
             entrepreneurs how to transform their dream of becoming
             a published author to a Monday morning reality.

With "My Instant Book Generator," I took all the “hard” out of writing a book to make it fast and easy and solve all the problems most of us face when trying to fit “getting published” in busy lives that are already swamped with work.  

              It's a complete system you can implement in one
        short weekend to get your book written and published.

*     A fill-in-the-blanks book template, already designed in “book format,” so you can craft your book in a matter of hours. (Remember the word game “mad lib?” It’s a lot like that!)

*     Step-by-step info about how to funnel messages you’ve already honed and perfected into your book the easy way.

Secrets to streamline your writing and editing process so you can knock your book out in a matter of hours (not weeks or months)!

1:1 access to my expertise so you overcome any roadblocks on your way to being a published author.

*     Insider information for getting your book published so you don’t have to wade through all those online options—I’ve done the work for you

*     Guidance about “what’s next” with your book—how to promote it and use it as your “big business card” to generate more leads in your funnel, clients in your calendar and money in your checking account.

*     The commitment and accountability some people crave—it will be like having your own personal book writing coach and cheerleader sitting right next to you!

Yes, get started with "My Instant Book Generator” and Write-a-Book-in-a-Weekend materials now!

    Meet the Stars of “My Instant Book Generator” &
                “Write a Book in a Weekend” Event

# 1: Anybody Can Write a Book with My “Fill-in-the-Blanks” Book Template

When I was writing my books, I found that the hardest thing was getting started. First I’d open up a blank document and stare at that for awhile. And then I’d put sheets in a three-ring binder and carry that around. Or I’d get one of those “blank journals” and think I would fill that with my wisdom, transfer it to the computer and then have my book—the fact is that my books never got written that way.

It was just too hard starting from scratch.
If you’ve ever experienced that frustration—or even if you haven’t—I don’t want “blank page syndrome” holding you back from becoming a published author.

So I kept thinking that there had to be a way to make it easier. Then one day it hit me (where else, but in the shower!).
A fill-in-the-blanks book template, already designed in “book format,” so you can craft your book in a matter of hours. All you have to do is insert your information and you’ll be ready to go. (Remember the word game “mad lib?” It really is a lot like that!)

Plus, you can use this template again and again to write as many books as you’d like—one, two or hundreds!

Reserve my copy of the “fill-in-the-blanks” book writing template

# 2: No Thinking Required: Use Your “Already Done” Message

Okay, next problem. What should that content specifically consist of? Of course, you can write your book about anything you wish, yet wouldn’t it be a joy to have someone there telling you ideas for messages on each page? 

So, next I started thinking about something so many of us business owners and entrepreneurs have in common and, again, from out of the blue, it hit me: the elevator speech!

Imagine the power of having a short and sweet book at your fingertips—produced for a fraction of the cost of some fancy and high tech business cards—that you could present to prospects right after saying your elevator speech? How many other people are passing out their books at your local networking event?

Let’s face it: you can’t go to a networking event or seminar anymore without someone reminding you of what makes a good elevator speech—and giving you tips about how to improve yours. Although they can always be a work in progress, I’m guessing that you have yours down pretty well. (Or maybe you have several, depending on the situation.)

Now I make it easy to take that elevator speech—an item you’ve honed to perfection—and transfer its effectiveness to the pages of a book—your big business card. 

Doubtful that your 30-second-elevator speech is “long enough” to become a book?
You’d be surprised what content you’ve not only packed in there, but can also easily expand, to make a short and powerful book. I lead you step-by-step through the process and show you how.  

Let me show you how to turn your elevator speech into a powerful book! 

#3: Get Your Publishing & Promotion Questions Answered by the Experts

Getting your book written is one thing—where should you go to get it published?

There are tons of publishing options out there, ranging from pursuing a traditional publisher to selecting one of hundreds if not thousands of self-publishers.

And then there’s the question of “what’s next?”
In our “wrap up session” on Sunday night with the experts from LogicalExpressions.com, James and Susan, I cut through the clutter and lay publishing options out, and give you my recommended pick so you could literally upload your book that evening and have a review draft in your hands days later.

Plus, I will be joined by two other publishing and promotion experts to get you started on your promotion that very night. (Here’s a hint: It’s a simple as adding the words, “Author of the forthcoming book…” on your email signature line.)

Get access to vital info that will get you published sooner rather than later!

#4: Let’s Have Some Fun: the "Write a Book in a Weekend" Event Where I Practically Come Sit Beside You & Cheer You on to Get Your Book Done  

Ever since I started the “Write a Book in a Weekend Club” on Facebook, I have asked people asking me, can it really be done? I have laid out the steps above to show you, yes, it can.

Many of you, though, are asking for more—beyond the template and the specific steps. They want the accountability and expertise available to them the weekend their book is written. 

So, I’ve “booked myself” for an entire weekend to be there for you and answer your questions, provide inspiration and basically “cheer you on” as you write your book in a weekend. 

Get 1:1 time with Donna Kozik, your personal book-writing coach and cheerleader! 

                 Wonder If I’m Really the One to Lead
                        You In Writing Your Book?

Here’s What Others Have to Say About Me

What some of my book-writing clients and colleagues have said about me and my expertise in getting books done sooner rather than later…

“Donna Makes It Easy!”

“I love working with Donna because she makes it easy. I have so much going on and just feel overwhelmed with everything I should be doing, but Donna has a special way of simplifying complex things. I tend to be a perfectionist and often hesitate not knowing what to write or say. But, Donna’s easy-going nature and encouragement gets my creativity flowing. Her simple templates are great at getting my ideas from my head to paper to a finished product.

“Plus, she is fun! Life is short and if you’re going to be running your own business, you might as well work with people you enjoy. Thanks for being such a positive, encouraging energy that keeps me going."

-- Jeanie Callen Barat, “The Fitness Jeanie”
            Celebrity trainer, inspirational speaker, author & talk show host

“She Gave Me Confidence!”

“I love how Donna evokes confidence in her learners through humor, knowledge and most of all her kind and patient style. People learn in so many different ways. I soak up and retain the best through personal guidance (hand holding) and hands-on learning. It feels as though Donna is beside you, showing you step by step how to achieve this great gift!”

                                            -- Cindy Looney, “Entrepreneurs Are Us”

“Donna Took the Fear Out of Writing a Book”

“I love to go skydiving and don’t get freaked out by too many things. But even the thought of writing a book has always been a bit unnerving. Yet I know being an author is necessary in today’s professional world. Donna took all of the fear out of writing my book.”

                                   -- Tom Buford, the “Go-To Fee Setting Guy” of

“Her Inspiration Keeps Me Moving Forward”

“Donna’s inspiration to keep me moving forward with the end result being my book becoming real in a far shorter period of time than I ever thought possible! Donna, thank you for developing this dynamic system and for providing me with the means to make my book a reality!”
                                           -- Marc V. Weiner, MHA, FACHE, PCC, AELC
Managing Director & CEO Empowerment Associates LLC

         Details About "My Instant Book Generator" &
            "Write-Your-Book-in-a-Weekend" Event

When you sign up now for "My Instant Book Generator," you’ll receive:

*   A complete, downloadable “fill in the blanks” book template you can plug your material into—it’s absolutely the fastest and easiest way to get your book done.

*   My personal resource list and tips so you fill those pages lickity split. (Here’s a hint, most of your book will come from material you already know by heart and is already personalized for you and your business.)

*   Live call-in sessions the weekend of our event where I answer any question you have about writing and publishing your book and give you step-by-step implementation tips so you have your book done sooner rather than later.

*   Recordings of each and every call
so even if you miss one you can still get your book done in a short weekend.

*   A streamlined step-by-step Fast Start Guide to get you out of the blocks quickly.

*   Ongoing email, audio and video encouragement and inspiration from me so you stay on track in getting your book done in a weekend. (Sept. 13 & 14 is when our first virtual event is slated—you can also do your book yourself any weekend after since you'll have everything you need.)

Reserve your spot and copy of "My Instant Book Generator"

So tell me, Donna...

                        If ‘My Instant Book Generator’ and
                Your "Write-Your-Book-In-a-Weekend" Event
           Are So Great, Why Aren’t You Charging More For It?

Believe you me—as this product and event grew and grew, I started asking myself the same question. But then I made up my mind to stick with what I thought was the right thing to do.

And, yes, it happened to me too. When I talked about what I was creating and the price to my colleagues, they wondered aloud if people will see the value--and my value--for something that’s so inexpensive.

And it’s true—I do charge much more for my other coaching groups and consulting work. In fact, I have several clients right now who have paid me more than $5,000.00 each to tap into the exact same book writing and publishing expertise I’m offering you. Even my premiere book writing blueprint system costs hundreds of dollars. So why did I decide on just $97 for "My Instant Book Generator" and the first official "Write a Book in a Weekend" event?  

1. I wanted to make these materials and event available to anyone who wants to write their book in a weekend.
And I didn't want price to be a factor.

2. I wanted people to implement and take action without a huge investment. Because being a published author is so valuable, this short weekend and small investment will literally pay for itself 10, 20, 100 times over! 

3. I realize you’re busy, so I wanted to make it something you could manage--time wise and financially--along with all your other normal weekday and weekend plans.

4. And finally, with the cost of everything going through the roof, and so many putting so many programs out there that cost 100s or 1000s of dollars, I didn’t want to make the investment amount a prohibiting factor for you in creating such a valuable lead generator and credibility builder.

5. Most of all, I wanted to prove to you that you could write a book in a weekend, pure and simple. I knew the small investment would both pique your interest and yet encourage you to follow through. 

Go ahead and take another look at your super modest investment… 

                  PLUS, Get Information & Inspiration with These
                       Bonus Audios You Can Listen to Right Now

As added bonuses, listen to these three 45+ minute audios that give detailed information and inspiration about how you can use your book as your “big business card.”

Bonus Audio 1: Easy Book Content Creation--and More!

Donna Kozik interviews Michael Katz of Blue Penguin Development as talks about his learnings when publishing
It Sure Beats Working: 29 Quirky Stories and Practical Business Lessons for the First-Time, Mid-Life, Solo Professional

What’s one way to get your book done super fast? Use content you’ve already created.
“In the beginning, I actually had a bit of a problem with doing that,” says Michael Katz, author. “I wondered if it was okay to publish a book about stuff I’ve already given away for free.”

Michael discusses his genius solution to the dilemma, and also dishes about how he developed his storytelling technique and the wonderful differences between self-publishing his latest book compared to his first book, where he had to learn the art of “four color separation” among other publishing hassles. (Thanks to technology--no more!)

Bonus Audio 2: “Organize (and Prioritize!) Your Life & Your Business with Donna Kozik & Special Guest Jeanie Callen Barat, The Fitness Jeanie”

“Having trouble getting things done? This call is for you!”
Donna says: If there’s one thing I hear time and time again from my clients, it's “how do you get it all done...especially with that mess of a desk?” First of all, looks can be deceiving—I know where everything is...mostly. ; )

Seriously, though, there is an art to being organized, and knowing how to prioritize and run 2+ businesses, 2+ cats (there's a stray hanging out on the porch), a household and a social life. Somewhere between Erie, Pa. and San Diego, I got a master’s degree and wrote a couple of books, too.

Plus, Jeanie Callen Barat, “The Fitness Jeanie,” has even more hustle and bustle in her life than I do, including being a guest and host on the radio, in movies and on TV!  Between the two of us, in this one hour you’ll hear at least seven huge time-saving ideas you can implement immediately to find loads more time—and get more done—in your day!

Bonus Audio 3: “Move the Mouse & Make Millions”
Donna Kozik of MyBigBusinessCard.com interviews Matt Heinz, author of Move the Mouse & Make Millions: A Non-Technical Guide For Growing Your Business Online.

Matt has more than 10 years of consumer and b-to-b marketing experience with technology, real estate and retail businesses. Eavesdrop on this call where Matt shares his secrets in using a book to market himself and his clients to:
       *  Generate thousands more in cash flow

       *  Cost-effectively market a business
       *  Drive more traffic to online sites
       *  And much, MUCH more.

These 3 audio downloads, valued at more than $141 just by themselves, are yours with your investment in "My Instant Book Generator" and the "Write a Book in a Weekend" event. 

Get me in on this sweetheart of a deal so I can get this additional info from authors who have done it!

Here is what one participant, Joe Paul of Texas, has to say:

The Idea of the ‘Fill-in-the-Blank’ Template Is Amazing!

“After witnessing how you have helped so many entrepreneurs, coaches, professionals and fellow business owners achieve expert status and build their business with their big business cards (books), I decided to follow their lead.

“Excited it is an understatement to describe how I feel about the upcoming the first official ‘Write a Book in a Weekend’ online event coming up. The idea of a ‘My Instant Book Generator’ with its ability to help me write a book using a ‘fill-in-the-blank’ template is amazing.
“Your offering of ‘My Instant Book Generator’ with the online weekend event is a great value (and in my opinion, this deal is way underpriced).  Then, the three bonus audios are a great addition. These audios already have me thinking about how I am going to use my book to build business even bigger faster.

“I am enthusiastically excited, energized and eager to get started!”

Joe Paul
Managing Partner
Leadership Management Institute
Dallas/Fort Worth



The first 6 people who sign up to participate get a 1:1 private coaching session with me. It’s called "My Big Breakthrough Session."

For those of you who don’t know what a breakthrough session is with me, it’s a one-on-one private consultation where I’ll show you how to solve whatever challenges you have in writing or publishing your book.

Because the ideas fly out of my mouth fast and furious, I record the sessions so the person on the other end of the phone can concentrate on asking me questions versus taking notes. (Note, these sessions are $147 by themselves right now.)

UPDATE: SOLD OUT! Sorry, all 6 sessions taken!

Get all the above, including "My Big Breakthrough Session" (If I'm among the first 6 to sign up.)



During this private call we’ll go round robin where I will address your specific questions or identify your “next steps” in making your published book work for you. I don’t know if you’ve ever been on one of these calls before, but they can be powerful.

Not only do you get your own specific questions answered, but you get to hear the questions and answers of everybody else on the call. And sometimes that can be even more valuable as it generates more ideas for yourself and things you never would have thought of on your own.


Get "My Instant Book Generator" plus the Laser Coaching Call (If I'm among the next 10 to sign up.)



I’m really excited about this new piece I created because it encapsulates so much of what I’m about.

In it you’ll find my personal book promotion plan—the one that got my book in Woman’s Day magazine, Women’s World magazine, in hundreds of newspapers across the country plus on the radio news magazine Marketplace, which is carried on most NPR stations across the country.

Let’s face it, when it comes time to promoting yourself and your book, all of the options can be overwhelming. So what I did is lay out a step-by-step easy to follow plan to get you started. I made the complicated simple. It’s like a handy companion you can keep right on your desk so you stay on track.

Plus, “My Fast Start Guide to Promoting Yourself and Your Book” is more than a how-to guide. I’ve also filled it with inspirational quotes and mindset strategies to inspire you and overcome any remaining trepidation you might be feeling in promoting yourself and your book.

This little gem of a guide will give you inspiration, mindset skills and a tip to put it into effect. And whether this is your first book or your 100th, you can pull it out and use these techniques again and again.


Get "My Instant Book Generator" plus the "Fast Start Guide to Promotion" (If I'm among the next 20 to sign up.)

               100% “Your Book Done or Your Money Back” Guarantee

If, after receiving and reviewing all the materials associated with "My Instant Book Generator" and the September “Write a Book in a Weekend” event, you are unsatisfied in any way, just let me know and I’ll happily refund your money. Or, if you take part in the weekend and find you still can’t finish your book using the materials provided, just let me know and
I will personally work with you, one-on-one, until your book is done!

         Okay, Ready to Get Started on Your Masterpiece?

So, does this sound like you…?

*    If you light up at the thought of writing your book in as little as a weekend, and…

*    If you are willing to spend a couple of hours to go from “unpublished” on Saturday morning to “Published Author” on Sunday night…

*    If you want to build your credibility and establish your expertise the fast and easy way…

*    If you find it helpful to designate a short chunk of time to get a big item knocked off your to-do list…and like to have inspiration, motivation and expertise along the way…

*    If you’ve ever played and enjoyed the game “mad lib” because it was so easy to create a compelling story with so little actual writing…

*    If you’re wondering how to maneuver through the field of online publishers and instead want to look to a publishing expert to show you the way to get your quality produced book in your hands as fast as possible…

Then "My Instant Book Generator" and the “Write a Book in a Weekend” event may be the key that unlocks the door to becoming a published author with your own book.

Plus, you get it done in plenty of time for the holidays so all your family, friends and colleagues can receive your gift of an autographed copy. ;)

Yes, Donna, I’m ready to be a published author!

Sign me up for the premiere Write-a-Book-in-a-Weekend Event Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 13-14, featuring “My Instant Book Generator.” I understand I’ll receive your fill-in-the-blank book writing template, plus expertise and inspiration direct from you in the form of written resources, audio and video.  I understand that I’ll receive the opportunity to download all the documents and audio components so I can use these materials again and again to write and publish many books. If I can’t make it the weekend of Sept. 13 & 14, I will receive all the materials and can join you for any other virtual "Write a Book in a Weekend" you have or choose any weekend after and write my book myself--I will have everything I need.

Get Access Now!

Remember, this is a limited time offer at a ridiculously low investment—on purpose! I want you to prove to yourself that it can be done—you can write your book in a weekend and get known for being the expert you are in your industry or niche. 

I look forward to working with you—and showing you how to get published in as little as a weekend!

My best,

Donna Kozik

Founder of MyBigBusinessCard.com,
“My Book Writing Blueprint” and the
“Write a Book in a Weekend Club” on Facebook

P.S. Are you really still debating? You better believe you want to get in on this now!
Or you'll be kicking yourself next time you see a “book release” announcement from one of your competitors. With “My Instant Book Generator” and only a few hours of your time over a weekend, you can be a published author, too!

Yes! I want to be a published author—let me in on this now!